Dog Bites

Dog Bites

For most of us, dogs are part of the family and we give them our love, companionship, and take great care of them. Unfortunately, not everyone treats their dogs that way. Some people neglect their dogs and even abuse them – which can lead to aggressive and violent behavior. And some dogs will act aggressive no matter their upbringing or training.

If you or a loved one was bit or injured by a dog, Call Cox. Dog bites can be life-changing. As a result of dog bites, victims can suffer serious injuries, disfigurement, permanent scarring, excruciating pain, psychological trauma, rabies, infectious disease, diminished quality of life, substantial medical bills, lost income, lost earning capacity, or even worse. We hope you're never in that position. But if something happened – call Attorney Dave Cox.

Indiana law justly and strongly protects dog bite victims. In Indiana, dog owners are automatically liable for the injuries his or her dog causes. In other words, Indiana law imposes strict liability on dog owners. This means that dog bite victims aren’t forced to prove that the dog owner did something negligent, had prior knowledge that their dog was vicious, or was at-fault for the dog attack. Dog owners have the ultimate responsibility to ensure their dogs don’t bite or attack others. The dog owner’s insurance company is usually responsible for compensating the victim.

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), over 36% of households own at least 1 dog, roughly 4.7 million dog bites occur in the United States each year, nearly 800,000 of them require medical care, and roughly 27,000 of them require reconstructive surgery.

At Cox Law Office, Dog Bite Lawyer Dave Cox is dedicated to getting fair and just results for dog bite victims and their families.  

If you were bit or injured by a dog – you’re likely owed compensation / money under Indiana law. Dog owners can be responsible for damages such as: (1) pain and suffering; (2) physical impairment; (3) disfigurement; (4) scarring; (5) psychological trauma; (6) diminished quality of life; (7) lost wages; (8) lost earning capacity; (9) loss of enjoyment of life; and (10) other damages you’ve suffered.

The insurance companies’ adjusters are trained and focused on minimizing their company’s liability. In other words, most of them are focused on paying victims as little as possible. Insurance companies are corporations. And they’re primary objective is usually to maximize their shareholders’ profits. So, they collect as much as the market will allow and pay out as little as the law will allow.

Dog bite victims are entitled to recover the damages they suffered and will suffer in the future under Indiana law. Generally, there are no mulligans in dog bite cases. You generally only have one shot at a fair recovery. Indiana Dog Bite Lawyer Dave Cox is seriously dedicated to representing dog bite victims and making sure they’re paid fair and just compensation for their losses. If you were bit or injured by a dog, please call or text Cox Law Office at (219) CALL-COX -- (225-5269) -- or you can request a case evaluation here at