What should I do after an accident?

Right after an accident, you should:

(1) Call 911 immediately to get medical help for anyone injured;

(2) File a police report – even if the accident wasn’t serious;

(3) Preserve your case’s evidence before it disappears, by taking pictures and video of the vehicles involved and the accident scene. Also, you should get all the witnesses names and contact information. However, if you’re too injured, you should ask someone to do those things for you.

(4) Don’t sign anything or give recorded statements to an insurance company; and

(5) Call Cox Law Office for a free case evaluation. Accident case evidence can quickly disappear, so it’s important that you call us as soon as you can.

Car accident victims are entitled to recover the damages they suffered under Indiana law. And victims that don’t have a capable injury attorney are unfortunately taken advantage of everyday by being short-changed. Generally, there are no mulligans in accident cases. You generally have one shot at a fair recovery. Northwest Indiana Personal Injury Lawyer Dave Cox is seriously dedicated to representing accident victims and making sure they’re paid the money they’re owed.

Do I have a case?

We can only answer that question after talking to you about your accident and injuries.

So, please Call Cox at (219) CALL-COX – (225-5269) -- or you can request a free case evaluation below here at davecoxlaw.com and Attorney Dave Cox will let you know what he thinks. Attorney Dave Cox is seriously dedicated to representing accident victims and making sure they’re paid the money they're owed.

How much is my case worth?

We can only answer that question after we know the full extent of your injuries and losses. But it’s important that you call us as soon as you can, so we can start working on proving liability before evidence disappears.

There are several factors that can determine your case’s value. And since every case is different, we won’t know how much money you’re owed under Indiana law until we talk to you and know the full extent of your injuries. But common factors that determine your case’s value are:

(1) your injuries’ severity;
(2) whether you needed or will need surgery;
(3) your past medical bills and future medical expenses likely needed;
(4) whether you were or are still unable to work;
(5) how long it took or will it take for you to recover;
(6) whether you suffered permanent physical impairment or disfigurement; and
(7) your vehicle’s diminished value.

Should I give a recorded statement to the other driver’s insurance company?

No, don’t talk to the negligent driver’s insurance company.

Accident victims often feel obligated to talk to the careless driver’s insurance company, so it won’t look like they’re hiding something. But that's not the case and you shouldn't do it – it can hurt or destroy your case.

Insurance companies’ adjusters are trained and focused on minimizing their company’s liability. In other words, most of them are focused on paying victims as little as possible. They are trained to twist your words and phrase questions in ways that can hurt or destroy your case. Insurance companies are corporations. And they’re primary objective is usually to maximize their shareholders’ profits – not to pay you the money you’re owed.

Should I sign the insurance company’s medical authorization or release forms?

No, not unless your injury attorney has reviewed and approved them. Call Cox Law Office for a free case evaluation at (219) CALL-COX – (225-5269) – or you can request an evaluation here at davecoxlaw.com. And Attorney Dave Cox will tell you what he thinks.

If my accident was caused by a semi-truck, should I talk to the semi-truck company?

No, don’t talk to the careless semi-truck driver’s company until you talk to a capable injury attorney first. Call Cox Law Office for a free case evaluation at (219) CALL-COX – (225-5269) – or you can request an evaluation here at davecoxlaw.com. And Attorney Dave Cox will tell you what he thinks.